LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

vlcd day 2


Yesterdays weight: 181.8 
Todays weight: 177.2
Difference: -4.6
This Round Total: -4.2

Today went well.  I wasnt hungry at all, I sat through class just fine (did have have to pee a lot though) but overall I am pleased with how things went today.  I ate the same thing today as I did yesterday but I can see that I am going ot have to look up some recipes because I dont want to get bored and cheat :/ I did go down 4lbs but Im thinking that was the loading weight... Im not sure how much will come off because 30 lbs on me is all very new, maybe because its not "at home" it will come off faster. Haha... a girl can hope, right?

Well I hope tomorrow morning is as exciting as today was! If anyone knows and good recipes send them my way :)


  1. Great loss today!! Glad you werent hungry!! If you do a search for P2 recipes you will come across LOTS of sites that have things. My go to that kept me sane during my long rounds was strawberry sorbet - frozen strawberries, little bit of lemon juice and some stevia with a bit of water to get it going in the blender....heaven and it was sooo good it felt like a cheat but wasnt!

  2. It sounds like you are doing great with protocol! I hope it continues for you. The HCG Dieter's Gourmet Cookbook by Tammy Skye has great P2 recipes.

  3. What Lis said about the sorbet. YUMMMMMMMMMY! I know this sounds weird but this round I've also baked frozen strawberries with cinnamon and stevia and it was like strawberry pie without the crust. Mmm, mmm good.

    I am so thrilled for you and your weight release! I think you're right. Because the weight is "new", I bet it will fly off.
